Our Retired Goldens We thank these Goldens over the past years who've made "Bowbell Goldens" what it is today ! We love each and every one of them. All of our Goldens were Championed to their Canadian Championship, owner handled by Deny or myself. We've enjoyed the successes we've had with them, in so little time. They have produced some wonderful puppies, through the years, that still carry on in their footsteps ! Champion Ambertru Bowbell's Sugar Rush - Stella Bowbell's Chained To The Rhythm - Perry Champion Bowbell's Hustle'n Flow - DJ Champion Turngold's Summer Sunset - Sidney Champion Sidekick's Luck Be A Lainey - Lainey Champion Bowbell's Little Miss Sunshine - Peyton Champion Sunwind Bowbell Every Obsession - Shaylee Champion Bowbell's Highland Dancer - Cadence Champion Bowbells All The Bells'nWhistles - Drake Champion Bowbell's We Go Together - Zuko Champion Bowbell's He's Got The Kavorka - Kramer Champion Bowbell's He's Got The Ticket - Brody Champion Bowbell's Rigged & Ready - Crewe Champion Bowbell's Get Ur Go On - Avis Ch. Bowbell's Are You Being Served |